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MTEL Resources

We at Paradigm Shift know that preparing for and taking the MTEL tests is challenging, so here are some useful resources to help you every step of the way.​

Free Support for our PS Participants

  • In-person MTEL test prep

  • Online MTEL test prep

  • MTEL Tutors

  • Reimbursement for MTEL fees

About MTELs

  • MTEL = Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure

  • Test requirements vary according to the license the applicant wants

  • Teacher candidates should consult their preparation program for up to date info on which MTELs they will need to pass

  • Once you have chosen your licensure area, you can consult the Department of Education website for a list of test requirements 

Required MTELs for Popular Licenses


Grades 1 - 6

Required MTELs (test #)
C&L (01)
FoR (90)
GC Multi (03)
GC Math (03)

Early Childhood

Grades PreK - 2

Required MTELs (test #)
C&L (01)
FoR (90)
Early Childhood (02)


Middle School Math

Grades 5 - 8

Required MTELs (test #)
C&L (01)
Middle School Math (47)



English Language Learners

Grades PreK - 6 or 5 - 12

Required MTELs (test #)
C&L (01)
ESL (54)




Moderate Disabilities


Grades PreK - 8

Required MTELs (test #)
C&L (01)
FoR (90)
GC Multi (03)
GC Math (03)


Moderate Disabilities


Grades 5 - 12

Required MTELs (test #)
C&L (01)
Relevant Subject Test (must be a subject tested by MCAS)



About MTELs


C&L: Communication and Literacy Skills (01)
ESL: English as a Second Language (54)
FoR: Foundations of Reading (90)
GC Multi: General Curriculum-Multiple Subject (03)
GC Math: General Curriculum-Math (03)

  • Step 1. Learn More & Submit an Interest Form
    The first step is to learn more about the process of becoming a teacher by contacting your district Human Resources Department or through the Springfield College Education Department. You will receive a link to an online Interest Form, titled "Springfield College 'Step Up Paras' Interest Survey," which you must complete and submit. This form will be received and reviewed by Springfield College to gauge your interest.
  • Step 2. Apply to Springfield College Graduate School
    During your group or one-on-one information session, you will be provided a link to apply to the Springfield College Educator Preparation and Licensure Program. Once you apply, you can set up an appointment with the Springfield College Graduate Coordinator to review your transcript. You will find out how many prerequisites you will need to complete the program and how long the program may take. Once accepted into Springfield College, you will automatically be admitted to the Springfield College Working Teachers Program. In addition to flexible class times and other features, public school teachers and paraeducators receive a 40% reduction in tuition. You will also be assigned a Springfield College Financial Aid Advisor who will help you identify and apply for other financial aid that may be available to you.
  • Step 3. Enroll in and Attend Courses at Springfield College
    Once you have chosen your field of study, or licensure area, you will receive a course list to obtain your license. You may also choose to obtain your master’s degree. The Educator Preparation and Licensure Program at Springfield College requires 24 credits and is typically completed over one calendar year. Earning your master’s degree requires an additional eight credits. Your Springfield College advisor will review this with you. Then, you will enroll in courses for the semester ahead. Once you have enrolled in your courses, your Springfield College advisor will explain all of the academic resources and support available to you, such as tutors, mentors and study sessions. You will also participate in a Paradigm Shift Orientation Session with your Paradigm Shift liaison to learn about additional resources available to you. Your liaison will continue to serve as a contact and support person for you throughout the program. In addition, you may choose a mentor who will serve as a coach, cheerleader, and advocate within your school and district. For help enrolling in courses, contactSpringfield College Graduate Coordinator To learn about academic support available, contactParadigm Shift Program Coordinator
  • Step 4. Prepare, Take and Pass the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure® (MTEL®)"
    While you are taking your graduate courses at Springfield College, you must also prepare for and pass your MTELs. The MTEL Program was initiated by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and includes tests covering communication and literacy skills as well as subject matter knowledge. The tests are designed to ensure that Massachusetts educators: Can communicate adequately with students, parents/guardians and other educators Are knowledgeable in the subject matter of the license sought The Springfield College MTEL coordinator is also happy to help you identify courses, register, and schedule your MTELs. Our MTEL Resources page provides extensive information about MTELs, test preparation, and exams by popular licensure programs. Our PS Test Prep Support page offers information about test prep. Use our Request a Tutor form for free tutoring help. Paradigm Shift will also reimburse your MTEL test fees. Simply send a completed W9 form and a copy of your MTEL receipt to the Paradigm Shift Program Coordinator. You will receive a reimbursement check within two weeks' time.
  • Step 5. Complete Your Practicum
    Your practicum is the practical application of your coursework. Once you have passed your MTELs and during your coursework, you will teach for a minimum of 300 clock hours, 100 hours of which must be direct instruction. There are bi-weekly seminars that provide additional support. All teacher candidates are assigned a college supervisor as well as a supervising practitioner. Springfield College will work together with your Springfield Public School District and your school’s principal to ensure you are able to meet your required hours and that you are supported throughout your practicum.
  • Step 6. Apply for your Initial License
    Once you have completed your MTELs, coursework and practicum, you can apply for your Massachusetts Initial License. Once you receive your license, you are a fully qualified teacher. Your license is valid for 5 years and may be renewed only once. After three years teaching, you can choose to work toward earning your Professional Teaching License. The professional license expires every five years but can be renewed as many times as you'd like. Springfield College provides a seminar and one-on-one assistance as needed to complete the Initial License application. It takes one to four weeks to receive your license. Congratulations! You did it! Springfield Public Schools and the children you serve are fortunate to have you!

Paradigm Shift's Free Study Resources

In-person test prep

Prefer studying with other students?


Paradigm Shift offers free 

in-person test prep classes.

Online test prep

Need the flexibility of online

test prep? 


Paradigm Shift offers free 

test prep webinars.

Work with a tutor

Want some one-on-one motivation?


Paradigm Shift offers free

tutor opportunities. 

Additional Online Resources

Test Preparation Strategies

Free Prep


MTEL resources

Khan Academy (subjects)

Open Culture (subjects)


Fee-based Prep

Prep Forward (district might subsidize)

GOH Academy


  • Step 1. Learn More & Submit an Interest Form
    The first step is to learn more about the process of becoming a teacher by contacting your district Human Resources Department or through the Springfield College Education Department. You will receive a link to an online Interest Form, titled "Springfield College 'Step Up Paras' Interest Survey," which you must complete and submit. This form will be received and reviewed by Springfield College to gauge your interest.
  • Step 2. Apply to Springfield College Graduate School
    During your group or one-on-one information session, you will be provided a link to apply to the Springfield College Educator Preparation and Licensure Program. Once you apply, you can set up an appointment with the Springfield College Graduate Coordinator to review your transcript. You will find out how many prerequisites you will need to complete the program and how long the program may take. Once accepted into Springfield College, you will automatically be admitted to the Springfield College Working Teachers Program. In addition to flexible class times and other features, public school teachers and paraeducators receive a 40% reduction in tuition. You will also be assigned a Springfield College Financial Aid Advisor who will help you identify and apply for other financial aid that may be available to you.
  • Step 3. Enroll in and Attend Courses at Springfield College
    Once you have chosen your field of study, or licensure area, you will receive a course list to obtain your license. You may also choose to obtain your master’s degree. The Educator Preparation and Licensure Program at Springfield College requires 24 credits and is typically completed over one calendar year. Earning your master’s degree requires an additional eight credits. Your Springfield College advisor will review this with you. Then, you will enroll in courses for the semester ahead. Once you have enrolled in your courses, your Springfield College advisor will explain all of the academic resources and support available to you, such as tutors, mentors and study sessions. You will also participate in a Paradigm Shift Orientation Session with your Paradigm Shift liaison to learn about additional resources available to you. Your liaison will continue to serve as a contact and support person for you throughout the program. In addition, you may choose a mentor who will serve as a coach, cheerleader, and advocate within your school and district. For help enrolling in courses, contactSpringfield College Graduate Coordinator To learn about academic support available, contactParadigm Shift Program Coordinator
  • Step 4. Prepare, Take and Pass the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure® (MTEL®)"
    While you are taking your graduate courses at Springfield College, you must also prepare for and pass your MTELs. The MTEL Program was initiated by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and includes tests covering communication and literacy skills as well as subject matter knowledge. The tests are designed to ensure that Massachusetts educators: Can communicate adequately with students, parents/guardians and other educators Are knowledgeable in the subject matter of the license sought The Springfield College MTEL coordinator is also happy to help you identify courses, register, and schedule your MTELs. Our MTEL Resources page provides extensive information about MTELs, test preparation, and exams by popular licensure programs. Our PS Test Prep Support page offers information about test prep. Use our Request a Tutor form for free tutoring help. Paradigm Shift will also reimburse your MTEL test fees. Simply send a completed W9 form and a copy of your MTEL receipt to the Paradigm Shift Program Coordinator. You will receive a reimbursement check within two weeks' time.
  • Step 5. Complete Your Practicum
    Your practicum is the practical application of your coursework. Once you have passed your MTELs and during your coursework, you will teach for a minimum of 300 clock hours, 100 hours of which must be direct instruction. There are bi-weekly seminars that provide additional support. All teacher candidates are assigned a college supervisor as well as a supervising practitioner. Springfield College will work together with your Springfield Public School District and your school’s principal to ensure you are able to meet your required hours and that you are supported throughout your practicum.
  • Step 6. Apply for your Initial License
    Once you have completed your MTELs, coursework and practicum, you can apply for your Massachusetts Initial License. Once you receive your license, you are a fully qualified teacher. Your license is valid for 5 years and may be renewed only once. After three years teaching, you can choose to work toward earning your Professional Teaching License. The professional license expires every five years but can be renewed as many times as you'd like. Springfield College provides a seminar and one-on-one assistance as needed to complete the Initial License application. It takes one to four weeks to receive your license. Congratulations! You did it! Springfield Public Schools and the children you serve are fortunate to have you!
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